2015 Lessons Learned are In! It’s all about ACTION…!

2015 “lessons learned” are in! A BIG THANK YOU to all who contributed…

Just a little context before we jump in…This is the second year I’ve conducted a “Lessons Learned Exchange” at Blue Ink, asking readers to contribute 2 lessons from the past year (see the comments below).

The objective is three-fold: 1) learn and build on the past i.e. “look back to live forward”, 2) benefit from real firsthand experience – life experiences leave “deep marks” and always beat abstract concept, 3) leverage the “community effect” – rooted in the belief that giving “life knowledge” to another person is an invaluable gift.


Kickoff #2015LLE! Share your lessons learned here on the “2015 Lessons Learned Exchange”…

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time you know that an over-arching theme is exploring, learning and finding ways to develop as a leader. Obviously one of the key ways of doing that is not just to “consume” but to share. Since we’re getting close to the end of the year (hard to believe!), it’s a great time to do exactly that…AND, just like in 2014, I invite you to do it HERE!

How does it work? It’s really simple. I’m asking each reader to write 2 important lessons learned in the comment section below. By the end of December, I’ll summarize all the entries and synthesize the key lessons learned for you to review — a “crowd-sourced” summary of 2015.

In 2014, nine themes came to to light, focusing primarily on the theme of “relationships” (click here to read). I’m really excited to see what learnings will emerge this year.

So here we go, kickoff #2015LLE – “2015 Lessons Learned Exchange.” Thanks in advance for sharing!

learn_and_sharePicture: www.dwarkeshkdiwan.wordpress.com

Restoring “process” to its rightful place. Principle #2: Build it for Purpose!

This post is the 4th in a series on considering the proper position of “process.” Beginning with its current stigma, to everyday situations that reveal its necessity, to the two guiding principles I submit are the keys to its restoration. The following is the second guiding principle:

Continually re-design process for purpose and environment. Just as car-makers continually update technology and release new models every 2-3 years to meet new consumer demands and regulations, process must be continually updated to meet the demands of its customers. What does this mean to you?blueprint3
