Decide Between Spending Money or Time
These periodic “blog quotes” are intended to give your brain the necessary jolt (and excuse) to “jump the tracks,” challenge what you’re doing and find better ways to make great things happen.
Spend your money on the things money can buy. Spend your time on the things money can’t buy.
~Haruki Murakami (bio)
- What are important things in your life or organization that can’t be bought with money?
- Where would you get the same result if you “bought it” (i.e. paid for it)?
- Do your responses to the previous questions require you to take action personally, or with your followers?
Be inspired, take action, help others by sharing…
Inspire First, Then Teach
Hoping for change, but continuing to do things the way you’ve always done them, doesn’t work. This “blog quote” is intended to give your brain the necessary jolt (and excuse) to “jump the tracks,” challenge what you’re doing and find better ways to make great things happen.
The teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron. (Horace Mann)
- Where are you hammering on “cold iron” with your followers?
- What are specific ways you can make the iron glow (inspire) before hammering?
- Stumped? Think of someone who made you desire to learn. What were their methods? What about someone who turned you off (cold iron). How did they go wrong?
Be inspired, take action, broadcast your insights…
Blue Jolt: Personal Leadership as a Test for Leading Others
Hoping for change, but continuing to do things the way you’ve always done them, doesn’t work. “Blue Jolts” are potent tidbits intended to give your brain the necessary jolt (and excuse) to “jump the tracks,” challenge what you’re doing and find better ways to make great things happen.
Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.
- What are some personal “day-to-day” habits you have observed in great leaders?
- Which ones are most important?
- Which day-to-day personal leadership habits do you need to work on most? (remember, if you’re not working on moving forward, you’re likely going backward).
Be jolted…