Interview with Kenneth Fields – Visionaries, Builders & Maintainers (Part 2)

This is part 2 of an inverview with Kenneth Fields on the content and journey of writing his recently published book Visionaries, Builders & Maintainers. Part 1 focussed on gaining an understanding of each of the three people types and their role in making change happen. Part 2 develops this further and probes Kenneth for his purpose and future plans.

> Is there one of these personality types that is “undervalued” or “under-represented” in our society/culture?

I’m not sure about under-represented but Maintainers are definitely undervalued.  A majority of people are Maintainers and they are responsible for ‘making the world go ’round’ but Visionaries get most of the publicity.  If everyone was a Visionary or Builder, the world would fall to pieces!

> Which one are you?…Any idea on me?

I’m definitely a Builder.  I enjoy clarifying the vision, seeing it become reality, and turning it over to someone else to maintain!  You and I have collaborated for several years now and I believe you are clearly a Visionary.  You excel at ideas and ‘big picture thinking’.  Our different roles is one of the reasons I’ve enjoyed our work together.

> Now that you’ve written this book do you go around “profiling people”?

I’ve actually been ‘profiling’ for several years now so it’s almost second nature to me.  However, several readers have commented that after reading the book, they are actively trying to identify people as one of the change management personalities.

> As you might imagine (on this blog),  I have to ask you this question: what’s your vision for this book? Should we be expecting more?

That’s a tough question for me!  I’m a Builder so writing the book was a clear objective that I was focused on for many years.  I’m still in the early stages of marketing the book and the principles in it so my vision at this time is to ‘get the word out’ as efficiently as possible.  As I get into the ‘maintenance’ phase for this book, I’m hoping to have more time to work on the vision I have for other books and collaborations.

> Another personal question…What’s your purpose? What drives you as a person?

You aren’t going easy on me!  I recently began working on a life plan using Michael Hyatt’s template.  That really helped me define my focus areas.  After my relationship with my Creator, I want to work with my wife to leave a legacy that my two sons can be proud of.  My ‘occupational’ focus is helping people understand and implement new concepts in both their work and personal lives.

> If someone wants to buy the book or “connect” with you to learn more, what’s the best way to do that?

Feel free to visit me at or look me up on  I’d love to hear from you!

Discussion Question: What personality type are you? How does this show itself in everyday life? How could you benefit more from other personality types around you?

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  2. Excellent post. I feel your pain about the maintainers. That is difficult but being an author and having to hands on market your own book is goooood practice.

    My personality is probably a mix…I can cast vision (plotting a book) and building (writing)…but I feel I work super hard on those things…not sure if any of it comes naturally to me.

    Where I profile, however, is birth order in families and how they relate with the world around them…I am very drawn to this type of research and study.

    Enjoyed your interview!