Growth – “I’m a little not ready…”

I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”

— Marissa Meyer  (CEO of Yahoo)
  1. What are you “a little not ready to do” that would help you grow?
  2. What is the next step you can take to “push through” (even if it’s a “baby step”)?
  3. Why not? You’ll regret it more if you don’t, then if you try and fail.

Be inspired, take action, help others by sharing…


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  1. I never thought about that but reading it for the second time i really believe I should. so from today on i´ll try to keep that in mind and “deploy” it.

    You guys (Johannes and Kenneth) inspire me to be a better person and professional everyday.

    Thank you for that !

    1. Hello Marisa, Thanks so much for leaving a comment. We all need to be reminded of the truth in this quote. One of my observations has been that those that grow typically have a higher tolerance for uncertainty, which enables them to be “ok” with some discomfort as they go into new situations. Definitely an area to work on for me! Thanks again. JM

  2. I was going to allude to the same thing that the Mark Twain quote says. It’s in the long run that you regret not doing something instead of trying it. However, in the short term, it’s very easy to feel more regret over trying and failing than not doing something… Now is that a correct way to think? No, because you should always seek to better your future than your present. It may feel defeating to try and fail something, but in the long run you will be glad you did it. For me that is studying for and passing these CPA exams.

    1. Hang in there with those exams. I know they’re tough and you’re pushing yourself. Keep the faith! Thanks for the encouragement of your comment!

  3. I have a lot of possibilities – for today, it’s just that next blog post! For yesterday, it was applying to speak at a conference in 2014. Your post reminded me of one of my favorite Mark Twain quotes: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things [that] you didn’t do than by the ones [that] you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

    1. I love that Mark Twain quote. One of my favorites! It resonates with my spirit. Thanks for your kind encouragement. Iron sharpening iron!