Healthy Holidays (for a change)

If you’re like my family, you look forward to the holiday season to take a break from your hectic routine and the stress leading up to the end of the year. Many people emerge from this time relaxed, but desperately in need of health-related resolutions to shed the extra pounds. In our case we also gather with extended family to do the typical things – talk, laugh, sleep, play games, watch sports – but, unlike most others, also EXERCISE!admit one : san francisco (2012)

What? How do we do it (I assure you we’re not super humans)? For a few years now we do a family health competition. Here’s how it works…everyone puts $5.00 in a kitty. For every day a person does a specific health activity a raffle ticket is put into “the hat.” The activities are – exercise, vitamins and drinking a specific amount of water. Obviously, the more activities you do (i.e. tickets in the hat) the higher the chances of winning. At the end of our time together (typically 10 days or so) a winner is drawn and takes the kitty.

What’s the benefit? Here some of the main ones…

  • It helps to be active during a time of year when it’s very easy to “slack off”
  • It jump-starts a healthy habit before the new year begins
  • It leverages the power of companionship. It’s so much easier to be “in it together” than “go it alone.”
  • It gets the competitive juices flowing. It’s amazing how the prospect of “winning” motivates people (even if it’s a modest amount – I won’t say who).
  • It rewards effort, while giving everyone a chance to win. The more you participate the higher your chances…but, there is always the possibility someone could win that only participated once.

So, how about you? How do you keep yourself and your loved ones motivated during this time of year…er, uh…the same way as every year (how’s that worked for ya’ so far)? I’m challenging you to try something that will work (and be fun). So commit, setup your challenge, get others involved and get going. I’d love to hear about your plan…and, ultimately, how it worked.

Picture: Creative Commons License torbakhopper via Compfight

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  1. I look forward to this every year! I do want to mention that we wouldn’t be doing this as a family if it wasn’t for YOU! It was your idea that started small and became a family tradition! Thanks for motivating us to take this challenge!

    1. Ahhh – so kind! Thanks honey for your encouragement and support. It would not have worked without a team (family) effort!