Impact of Vision Void – “Operational Frenzy”

What happens when there’s no living vision? – vision void! Over the last weeks I’ve discussed everything from the root causes to the deadly impacts of it. In case you missed a post in this series, here they are for your review…

But before I move on to discuss the final major impact, let me answer a question you may be asking yourself – “c’mon Johannes, why spend so much time talking about negative impacts?” The answer is simple and germane to most areas of life…unless you’re able to identify the symptoms and understand the root cause, you can’t fix the problem. Also my observation and work over the years has convinced me that this problem is one of the key issues sapping the life of many organizations today. (more…)

Growth – “I’m a little not ready…”

I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”

— Marissa Meyer  (CEO of Yahoo)
  1. What are you “a little not ready to do” that would help you grow?
  2. What is the next step you can take to “push through” (even if it’s a “baby step”)?
  3. Why not? You’ll regret it more if you don’t, then if you try and fail.

Be inspired, take action, help others by sharing…


Givers & Takers (by Jeff Jacobs)

Did your Mom ever tell you that there are just two kinds of people in the world?

Mine did: “Jeff, there are givers, and there are takers- you are either one, or the other.”

She was probably trying to explain at the time a person that had hurt my feelings- maybe one that didn’t do what they said they would.

She certainly wasn’t talking about networking in the business world, but she could have been. There is something quite powerful in having a great network to rely on, a group of go-to colleagues that have an answer to a problem, an objective opinion to offer, or a “warm introduction” to avoid a cold call. The price of my network admission has become simply that you need to take the time to learn about what makes me tick, and then return a favor once in a while, if asked. (more…)